Nov 2 , 2005 was a great day because the doctor confirmed to us about my pregnancy. My little sweet pappu's due date is July 13, 2006. From the time of confirmation, me and hari are very happy , excited and very very careful in doing things. After some 3 months, we started talking about the sex of the baby. I was confident that it will be a male child and hari was with 50%. We went to the second sonogram in 16 wks and doctor told us that 'It's a boy baby'.
Day by day our excitment was growing and atlast we started seeing his movements. We both started talking to our son from 6th month. Everyday hari has to tell one slogam and one good habit to him and he will also respond nicely by doing some little kicks or movements.
Next it is a time for baby shower. As per our tradition , we did valaikappu function on April 9, 2006 and seemantham function on April 30, 2006. Valaikappu function was hosted by our friend Mr. Arulnambi's family and we have invited around 100 people. It was a very great day with full of joy. My mom sent me all type of glass bangles, gold and silver and silk saree for the occasion. We did seemantham function on April 30, 2006 between 6Am to 7.30AM at Hindu temple of san antonio. Anu, Aruna and vel attended the function. We were very happy because both the traditional functions went on well with our friends and blessings from our parents from india.
Since the days were going fast, it was the time to shop for the new born. We have visited walmart, babies R us, Toys R us, Burlington coat factory and Target shop. We bought all the items very fast except the car seat. We did lots of research for the car seat ( almost 20 days) and finally got 'Graco Passage' from super target shop.
On 9th June 2006, hari came with a surprise saying his USAA friends decided to have a baby shower function on 13th June 2006. He showed me the invitation and I was very excited and happy.
13th June 2006 was another wonderful day in my life. The party was hosted by USAA and TCS friends. They got a big cake with two flavors ( white and chocolate ) and lots of gifts for Rishi. I got to know about his friends and office that day and enjoyed my time with them. We specially thanked Mr. Bill Vogl (Host) for the baby shower function.
Now , my doctor advised me to get admitted in the hospital on 28th June 2006 for the delivery. We were bit scared initially but now we are fine.
We are eagerly waiting to see our sweet little darling pappu Rishi ...................... on 28th June 2006.
Motherhood time is a fantastic time for every women in the world and I am truly enjoying it.
That's an excellent thought.
July 13th...the original date...is my sisters b'day. She...to me..is one of the 2 best thing that happened to me...other being mr.gupta...hope your life experiences with your child is as magical, as love filled and blessed as i've had with my sis...this come unrelated, yet heartfelt, even though the date have moved up. :-) Good Luck guys.
That's really good and a wonderful feeling to have a baby in one's family. All the best to both of you. Meanwhile have you decided on a name yet for the baby?
hi guys..
nice to read the story..beautiful..congrats to you both..are you guys in australia? just curious..
iam pregnant as well...planning to do valaikappu..simple one..but unfortuantely my dear mom cant come as she's ill..i hope things will go on smoothly with my pregnancy..
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